The Hindu Editorial Analysis- 26 February 2024

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The Hindu Editorial Analysis- 26 February 2024

1. The Raisina Dialogue’s foreign policy discussions lacked diversity.

Topic: GS2 – International Relations 
The UPSC Viewpoint: Raisina Dialogue offers aspirants important insights on geopolitical dynamics, India’s diplomatic posture, and global governance.

● Highlights from the ninth Raisina Dialogue are discussed in the article, with special attention paid to India’s diplomatic outreach, global role, and conflict-focused talks. Notable omissions and absences are also noted.

Raisina Dialogue 2024 Highlights: Aims and Ambitions

  • The Ministry of External Affairs organised the ninth edition of the Raisina Dialogue, an annual event that aimed to engage world leaders in dialogue on important global issues and challenges.
  • India’s role as a global friend or “Vishwamitra” and a “bridging power” with a “multi-vector” policy was highlighted by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar.

Global Leadership Perspectives: Connectivity and Governance

  • At the event’s opening, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasised the significance of connectivity initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.
  • Global governance was discussed in depth, covering topics like inequality at the UN Security Council and the necessity of reforms.
  • A recurrent theme was India’s desire “to be a player, rather than a playing field” in international decision-making, in light of its successful hosting of the G-20 the year before.

Diplomatic Outreach and Economic Partnerships

  • Major nations such as the P-5, G-7, and BRICS-10 lacked senior ministerial representation due to scheduling conflicts. Ministers from Central and Eastern Europe, including those from the Baltic-Nordic forum, however, presented India with a fresh diplomatic approach by looking into trade and investment partnerships.

Focused Discussions on Global Conflicts: Russian War and China’s Aggression

  • Most conversations focused on international conflicts, particularly the Russian war in Ukraine. Discussions on military and naval tactics emphasised the necessity of confronting an assertive China.
  • But there was an imbalance in these discussions because Russia and China were not extended invitations.

Notable Absences and Omissions: Lack of Diversity in Conversations

  • With the exception of Nepal and Bhutan, South East Asia, Latin America, and South Asia were not well-represented at the event.
  • Debates about democracy were kept out of India, but views on the problems facing democracy around the world were constrained by the lack of non-governmental civil society organisations.
  • Conversations about the Israeli war in Gaza were conspicuously absent, which, according to Minister Jaishankar, may have limited the forum’s appeal as a “Made in India” equivalent of the “Global Public Square” and contributed to a lack of diversity in the discussions.


  • In conclusion, the Raisina Dialogue 2024 showcased India’s diplomatic ambitions and global engagements.
  • While addressing conflicts and asserting its role, the forum also highlighted the need for diverse perspectives and inclusive discussions on pressing global issues.

What is Raisina Dialogue?
Annual Conference: Focusing on geopolitics and geoeconomics, it has been held in New Delhi, India, since 2016.
– Flagship Event: The premier global affairs conference in India, drawing elite attendance.
– Multi-Stakeholder: Consists of international heads of state, ministers, specialists, and business executives.
– Organised Conversations: Topics delve into major issues, featuring talks on disagreement, collaboration, and creativity.
– Broad Purpose: includes a wide range of subjects, including energy security, global politics, technology, climate change, and marine issues.
– Collaborative Approach: Seek to foster agreement and useful solutions to global issues.
– The ninth edition, with the theme “Chaturanga: Conflict, Contest, Cooperate, Create,” took place on February 21–23, 2024.
– Significant: publishes analyses and reports that influence international debates on important topics.

Practice Question: Talk about how the Raisina Dialogue 2024 emphasised India’s “bridging power” role in influencing international relations and global governance. (15 m/250 words)

2. Space is one area where broad cooperation is required.

Topic: GS3 – Science and Technology, GS2 –  International Relations 
From UPSC’s perspective, the moon landings demonstrate the world’s technological prowess, international cooperation, and the private sector’s changing role in space exploration.

– The article highlights the role of private companies, as demonstrated by Intuitive Machines, and highlights recent developments in moon landings, including setbacks like Luna 25 and successes like Chandrayaan-3.

Introduction and Global Trends in Moon Landings

  • Moon landings, which are receiving more attention worldwide, are marked by a wide range of participation, demonstrating advances in technology and varying interpretations of success.

ISRO’s Success with Chandrayaan-3

  • With the successful soft-landing of Chandrayaan-3, India has established itself as a major space research and flight provider, demonstrating ISRO’s competence.

Learning from Luna 25 Mission

  • The failure of Luna 25 teaches Russia’s Roscosmos important lessons and makes them consider the agency’s deteriorating reputation as well as current technological issues.

Private Sector Breakthrough: Intuitive Machines

  • Being the first private company to soft-land a robotic craft on the moon, Intuitive Machines (IM) marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the private space industry.

IM’s Odysseus and NASA’s CLPS Program

  • Technical difficulties encountered by IM’s Odysseus, a component of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) programme, highlighted the difficulties associated with private participation in lunar missions.
  • The NASA-funded CLPS missions’ success highlights the potential for private industry to make a substantial contribution to lunar exploration.

Implications for NASA and CLPS Program

  • The success of IM highlights how important it is to have a diverse private space service market, which is essential for the long-term viability and expansion of programmes like the CLPS programme.
  • NASA’s small involvement in CLPS missions—which mainly consisted of payload provision and landing site selection—illustrates the changing nature of cooperation between public and private sectors.

Global Collaboration and India’s Initiatives

  • International and domestic cooperation are essential in the global space arena.
  • The recent approval by India for up to 100% automatic foreign direct investment in its space programme creates the conditions for more competition among Indian startups, which could eventually lessen the strain on ISRO.


  • In summary, the global landscape of moon landings—which is characterised by both triumphs and failures—illuminates the changing dynamics of space exploration and highlights the crucial roles that international collaboration and the private sector will play in determining the course of future lunar missions.

Government – Private sector Participation in space exploration
– Cost Reduction: Private businesses may be able to reduce launch costs by being more inventive and productive.
– Enhanced Innovation: Diverse viewpoints and competition propel technological innovation.
– Greater Investment: Outside of government funds, private investment increases the available resources for space exploration.
– Faster Exploration: Organisations that make decisions quickly can shorten mission timelines.
– Novel Prospects: Space accessibility provides avenues for scientific research, resource extraction, and tourism.

– Regulation and Safety: Juggling international agreements and safety regulations with private industry.
National Security: preserving delicate technology and making sure space resources are used responsibly.
– Equity and Access: Ensuring fair access to space and striking a balance between public benefit and private profit.
Environmental Impact: reducing the pollution and debris brought on by increased space activity.
– Workforce Transition: Promoting teamwork and providing assistance to current government workers.

Way Forward:
– Clearly defined Policy Framework: Provide open and understandable rules and guidelines for private sector involvement.
– Public-Private Partnerships: Joint ventures that pool risks and capitalise on each party’s advantages.
– Workforce Development & Skilling: Equip the labour force for new space-related positions.
– International Cooperation: Promote cross-border cooperation between public and private organisations.
– Sustainability and Ethics: Create moral standards and laws pertaining to space travel.

Practice Question: Examine critically how government-private sector partnerships (PPPs) might help India’s space exploration efforts go faster, emphasising the benefits and drawbacks of these kinds of alliances. (15 m/250 words)

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